• Operational forecast OSR

    For operational processes in the Port of Rotterdam, the Port Authority has been using predictions ...

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  • Lowering of groynes and banks in the Pannerdensch Kanaal

    The Pannerdensch Kanaal is a crucial part of the Dutch water system, as the high water discharge distribution over the rivers Waal ...

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  • Derivating Qf relations of Rhine branches

    Discharge data (flow rates) of the major Dutch rivers are indispensable to daily water management, but also for conducting water management ...

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  • Sheltered/shallow water zone Wolderwijd

    Rijkswaterstaat Midden Nederland has the task to realise 50 hectares of sheltered shallow zone in the Randmeren East for the development ...

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  • Operational navigation support model Rotterdam (OSR)

    Svašek Hydraulics has developed an operational hydrodynamic model of the entire port of Rotterdam. The model calculates ...

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  • WTI 2011, Rhine and Meuse Delta

    In 2011 the safety of the Dutch dunes and dikes has to be assessed regularly by the Dutch government (WTI 2011) ...

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  • HBC 2011, Lake IJssel and IJssel river

    In 2011 the safety of the Dutch dunes and dikes has to be assessed regularly by the Dutch government ...

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  • Gate LNG studies

    In the Port of Rotterdam Gate LNG B.V. (Gas access to Europe) has built the first LNG import ...

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  • Temperature Flevo power station

    In the Flevopolder – on the banks of the IJsselmeer – the Flevo power station is located. This power plant ...

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    Neminco intends to establish a second plant for the thermal treatment of asphalt. This plant ...

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