Svašek Hydraulics can provide comprehensive metocean forecasts or hindcasts at almost any location. This metocean data can consist of air pressure, wind speeds, wave conditions, water levels, and flow velocities, for operational or extreme design conditions.
Operational forecasts are important for port authorities, offshore and dredging companies, oil companies, shipping, consultants, and even for sailors or surfers. Daily or extreme conditions can be determined by season, and downtime or persistence analyses can also be provided.
Svašek Hydraulics utilizes global databases that contain wind/pressure fields, wave conditions, and satellite-derived tidal components. For offshore locations, these databases are sufficiently accurate, and our metocean services can be provided for a nominal fee. For situations with more complex topography/bathymetry or locations near the coast, we can provide accurate translations using our fast and accurate flow and wave models.
As a preview, Svašek provides free wave forecasts for the next 7 days worldwide. Visit the wave forecast page for more information.
learn more about our expertise in metocean studies?
Please contact Bas Les.
Bas Les
Project engineer

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