• Hydro-morphological analysis Meghna delta

    The Meghna delta located in Bangladesh is a highly morphodynamic area. Coastal regions along the Meghna delta are ...

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  • Construction phase wind turbines on beach Maasvlakte 2

    In an earlier project commissioned by Rijkswaterstaat, Svašek Hydraulics had conducted extensive research into ...

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  • Morphological study of the redevelopment of the Romanian coast

    The Romanian government has a master plan for redevelopment of the Romanian coast. This should improve coastal protection and restore ...

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  • Tidal outlet Killetje

    Waterdunen project creates a nature and recreation area, in which the tide determines the natural value. Due to the constant change ...

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  • Wind turbines on Maasvlakte 2 beach

    In 2019 Directorate-General for Public Works and Water Management (Rijkswaterstaat) has started a tendering procedure ...

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  • Detailed modelling Brienenoord Island

    The municipality of Rotterdam will (further) develop parts of Brienenoord Island as a nature reserve on behalf of Rijkswaterstaat and has ...

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  • Sheltered/shallow water zone Wolderwijd

    Rijkswaterstaat Midden Nederland has the task to realise 50 hectares of sheltered shallow zone in the Randmeren East for the development ...

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  • Tidal outlet Killetje – design phase

    Waterdunen project creates a nature and recreation area, in which the tide determines the natural value. Due to the constant ...

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  • Moin Container Terminal

    APM Terminals is constructing a new container terminal close to the existing port of Moín, Costa Rica. In the design phase ...

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  • Nature restoration Western Scheldt

    The Province of Zeeland has as goal to upgrade 300 ha of estuarine nature in the Western Scheldt. Part of this nature restoration ...

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