Installation of data monitoring buoys and a tide gauge

Expert advice monitoring campaign, installation wave buoy, current meter and tidal gauge, data processing

Volta River Authority

Takoradi, Ghana

The Takoradi Thermal Plant is a 300 MW combined cycle plant made up of two 100 MW combustion turbines and one 100 MW steam turbine. Takoradi is situated in the South West of Ghana and is the second largest port of Ghana. Takoradi Thermal Power Plant is built in 1996. The combustion turbines run on either crude oil or natural gas.
Crude oil tankers transport the fuel to the plant. This oil is transferred from a single buoy mooring (SBM) to the plant by an underwater pipeline. Coastal zone management and coastal related activities require accurate hydraulic data. The availability of current and wave data is very limited for the Ghanaian coast.
Present harbour design and pipeline design, in this area, is based on limited data. In that respect a measuring campaign can provide crucial information for all coastal and sea related projects.
Svašek Hydraulics carried out a monitoring campaign which consists of expert advice for hydraulic, hydrographic and soil parameters, the installation of a Endeco Wave Track buoy, the installation of a Marco Flow current meter connected to an EMM data telemetry, the installation of a tide gauge and the data processing of the monitoring data.
Bastiaan Les

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