50th anniversary Svašek Hydraulics
This September it will be 50 years ago that Svašek Hydraulics was founded by Honzo Svašek (1926-1994). Born in Czechoslovakia, Honzo became a scientist at Rijkswaterstaat in The Netherlands after his MSc graduation at Delft University of Technology in 1955. The construction of the first Rotterdam Port Expansion (Maasvlakte I) played an important role in the decision at the time to start his own business. As a Rijkswaterstaat engineer, he was already involved in the preparations and, as an entrepreneur, he foresaw a number of years of work. That also came true: the last design study for the construction of the Maasvlakte I was only completed in 1977. And history repeats itself: since 2005, Svašek has again been intensively involved in Maasvlakte II. Who knows if Maasvlakte III will ever be constructed …
Svašek Hydraulics is an independent specialist consultant in coastal, harbour and river engineering. Our expertise focuses on water dynamics (currents and waves), as well as sediment transport and morphological bed changes caused by water dynamics. Svašek Hydraulics distinguishes itself from general engineering firms by an in-depth knowledge of hydraulics, morphology and the development of advanced numerical models. Coasts, seas, estuaries and rivers are our playground. Building with Nature is in our DNA. From our office in Rotterdam we operate in many countries spread over all continents, with emphasis on our home market in the Netherlands.
Bas van Leeuwen
Deputy director

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